Does Coffee Go Stale? An Expert's Guide to Coffee Freshness

Coffee is a beloved beverage around the world but does it ever go bad? Learn how long does coffee last and how to store it for maximum freshness with this expert guide.

Does Coffee Go Stale? An Expert's Guide to Coffee Freshness

Coffee is a beloved beverage around the world, but does it ever go bad? The answer is yes, coffee can get stale. Without proper storage, coffee loses its flavor, flavor profile, and freshness. The organic compounds in liquid coffee break down, and the most noticeable change occurs when the pH (acidity) of coffee rises. So how long does coffee last? Generally, beans that have passed their expiration date begin to deteriorate after about 4 hours.

Ground coffee and beans should be kept away from moisture, heat, light and air in sealed packages or airtight containers. If you're using pre-ground coffee, there is a convenience of not having to grind your own coffee and do it incorrectly. To make sure you're drinking the freshest, best-tasting beverage or even planning to use coffee in your recipes, we've compiled a helpful guide on how long to keep coffee, signs of when to throw it away, how to store it, and more.

How Long Does Coffee Last?

The freshness of your coffee will depend on the beans you use.

Using stale grounds will produce a stale cup of coffee even when it is “fresh”. Generally speaking, whole bean coffee can last up to two weeks if stored properly. Ground coffee can last up to one week if stored properly. Liquid coffee can last up to four days if stored properly.

How To Store Coffee

When storing your beans or grounds, make sure they are kept away from moisture, heat, light and air in sealed packages or airtight containers.

In the fridge, coffee grounds and beans condense, so the tasty oils in the coffee come to the surface. If you're using pre-ground coffee, there is a convenience of not having to grind your own coffee and do it incorrectly.

How To Make The Best Cup Of Coffee

Coffee solubles dissolve better between 195 and 205 degrees Fahrenheit, so coffee prepared with hot water has a more intense and savory flavor profile than coffee prepared with cold water or at room temperature, which is also called cold brew. Chances are that the coffee you drank this morning is one of the tastiest and most delicious coffees ever consumed.


Coffee doesn't actually spoil but can get stale if not stored properly. To make sure you're drinking the freshest cup of joe possible, take advantage of the convenience of ground coffee or enjoy the freshness of a cup of whole grain coffee.

Each month of the subscription includes a new bag of freshly roasted beans along with tasting notes, a postcard and tips on how to prepare coffee delivered fresh to your door.

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