How Coffee Stains Teeth and How to Whiten Them

Coffee is a popular beverage, but it can also cause unwanted yellow stains on teeth. Learn how to whiten your teeth with expert SEO advice.

How Coffee Stains Teeth and How to Whiten Them

Coffee is a popular beverage, but it can also cause unwanted yellow stains on teeth. This is because of the tannins, a type of polyphenol, that break down in water and stick to teeth. Hydrogen peroxide and sodium bicarbonate can be used to stimulate enamel to shed coffee particles that cause stains. To make the mixture, add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to a clean container and then add baking soda until you have a paste.

Although coffee drinkers may love their morning cup of joe, they may not love the stains it leaves on their teeth. Black tea and red wine can also discolor tooth enamel. Fortunately, there are now effective treatments available from dental professionals and over-the-counter products to keep your smile looking its best.

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