How Long Does Coffee Last After Expiration Date?

Coffee is a dry product with no firm expiration date. Learn how long does an unsealed bag of ground or whole bean coffee last after its expiration date and how to store it for maximum flavor.

How Long Does Coffee Last After Expiration Date?

Coffee is a dry, packaged food and, like most dry products, there is no firm expiration date that needs to be considered. On average, an unsealed bag of ground coffee should last 3 to 5 months past the expiration date. When opened, it is expected to last 3 to 5 months in the pantry. The maximum flavor may vary depending on the type of beans, the roast and the method of preparation used.

However, in all cases, it is safest to use coffee as close to the roast date as possible (not the expiration date). Often, the expiration date is one year from the date the beans were roasted. If you've purchased coffee and aren't sure when you're going to use it, such as if you normally drink coffee regularly but have a can of decaf handy to keep company, at least keep it sealed until you're ready to use it. Most coffees are filled with nitrogen to delay spoilage, but once the seal breaks, you exchange nitrogen for oxygen and moisture, which take away the flavor of the coffee. It completely depends on what types of coffee and how long that particular coffee has passed its expiration date.

Buying coffee beans may not be convenient as ground coffee, since you have to buy a grinder and grind it every time you need to make coffee. If you store the coffee in an airtight container and put it in the fridge, it can last a few days. Coffee degrades over time and degrades faster depending on the surface, which means whole beans will hold longer than ground coffee. The shelf life of coffee depends on a variety of factors, such as the expiration date, the method of preparation, and the way the coffee was stored. How long you choose to use your coffee after the expiration date really depends on how particular you are with regard to the taste of your coffee.

Old ground coffee looks exactly the same as freshly ground coffee, unless you expect a very long period of time. As with different types of coffee, it is best to store coffee capsules or coffee capsules in an airtight container in a dry and cool place. The answer is no, coffee doesn't actually spoil, and a “bad cup of coffee” won't make you sick. So if you want to enjoy your cup of joe at its best flavor and aroma, it's best to use it within 2 to 3 weeks from its roast date. Each month of the subscription includes a new coffee country and a new bag of freshly roasted beans, along with tasting notes, a postcard and tips on how to prepare coffee delivered fresh to your door.

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